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No, a vampire bat will eat bugs and any small creature.

The first answer, "yes" is the correct one for PCH.

Vampire bat, name for the blood-drinking bats of the family Desmodontidae, found in the New World tropics. Vampire bats feed exclusively on the blood of living animals and are thus the only true parasites among mammals.

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Q: Is it true that vampire bats only feed on blood?
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What 3 bats feed on blood?

Only Vampire bats feed on blood. The species that do this are the Common Vampire Bat, the Hairy-Legged Vampire Bat and the White-Winged Vampire bat.

Are there vampire bats in Thailand?

Vampire bats can only be found in Central and South America. Thailand has a type of bat, called the false vampire bat that resembles a vampire bat in appearance, but doesnâ??t feed on blood.

What do vampire bats and birds have in common?

Vampires and Vampire bats both drink blood. The only difference is that vampire bats drink animal blood. Plus vampire bats are real. The other type are fictional.

Why do vampire bats only drink blood?

According to National Geographic, Vampire Bats are the only known mammal to feed entirely on blood. They get all their nutrients from other animals blood. A single vampire bat can drink the equivalent of the blood of a small human in a single year, which would be approximately 67 times their body weight. That would be like the average person eating an African Elephant, whole!

Why are vampire bats called vampire bats?

They are mainly called that because the behavior of the bats was similar to that of the legendary 'vampire' that would suck blood from humans and animals. Vampire bats drink blood (usually only a few drops) from animals.

What do vampires drink apart from blood?

It has only ever been known that vampires drink blood. There doesn't appear to be any specific kind of blood which they can live off, though the most common kind of blood human vampires seek is the blood of humans, although there are some exceptions when reading more contemporary literature such as The Vampire Diaries and The Twilight Saga. Vampire Bats are known to feed off the blood of mammals (such as humans), although this only applied to the Common Vampire Bat, whereas the Hairy-Legged and White-Winged Vampire Bats are known to feed on the blood of birds.

Do vampire bats eat other bats?

No, they only suck other animals blood, hence the term 'vampire'.

Are vampires physically related to vampire bats or is that just a name?

Vampire folklore was around long before the discovery of vampire bats in South American in the 16th century. These bats (which feed on blood) were named after the folkloric vampire (not the other way around). The only thing that relates a fictional vampire and a real vampire bat is the name. supporting article:

Do bats drink blood if an animal is dead?

Only the Vampire Bat drinks blood.

Do normal bats suck peoples blood?

No, and even vampire bats generally feed on the blood of livestock and not on human blood. The common vampire bat canprey on humans, but they would usually find easier prey among animals that don't have the means to swat them away. Most bats are insectivores meaning they eat insects, but some bats also eat fruit and a few eat small animals such as frogs and small lizards.Vampire bats, are native to Central and South America.Also, on a side note, vampire bats do not 'suck' blood, but instead bite flesh to create a wound that bleeds, and lap up the resulting blood flow.

Does vampires feed only on human blood or anything else?

Mainly only human blood, I can't see a vampire draining the blood of an animal.

Do vampire bats kill animals?

They usually feed from only animals, but they don't generally kill them.