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That's an old wives tale. The actual reason behind that sensation though is called sleep paralysis.

This paralysis is cause by the ghost on you.

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Q: Is it true that when ghosts lay on you at night you can't move an inch?
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Can ghosts kill you?

Ghosts cannot kill you. If you believe in them, then some people say they can communicate with them.

Can ghosts kill other people?

well not really, in a movie you see stuff like that but in my opinion no they cant ghosts are just peaceful spirits that maybe if they exist move stuff but no the wont kill you

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What happens if you cant move your neck?

you slept wrong last night and you have to start moving your neck little by little. if you dont move it, it can stay like that for ever. or , you broke it . you can crack it or move it.

Can people kill ghost?

well not really, in a movie you see stuff like that but in my opinion no they cant ghosts are just peaceful spirits that maybe if they exist move stuff but no the wont kill you

How many ghosts are in the world?

If you believe in ghosts, than there are many ghosts in the world. There is not an exact answer because some move on just as some die and become ghosts.

What is the best ghost move?

In my opinion, it is Ghostbusters!

Why things never where you put them?

It either means you move them without knowing or you have ghosts in the house that move them.

How do you find out if there's a ghost in your house?

If there is you will be able to tell by its spiritual presence, ghosts will normally move on, but if not I would get a spiritual cleanser to come round and cleanse your house, this will allow the ghosts to move on

How does a motion detector detect ghosts?

the ghosts move 2 like if u have a room with light sensors the light will still turn on