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yes but you can only find the skull if you play the whole mission from alpha point

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Q: Is it true that you can get all the skulls in halo on any difficulty?
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What skulls get you armor in Halo 3?

When you collect all of the skulls in Halo 3 you get the awesome Hayabusa Armor that's the only Armor you unlock in Halo 3 by collecting skulls. Note that you can't collect the skulls on the Easy difficulty it has to be on Normal difficulty or higher and also note that I have found all 13 skulls and Bungie put them in Bizarre places I'd recommend going to the related link to find them especially the I Would've Been Your Daddy(IWBYD) skull it's the hardest to get.

What skulls on Halo 3 can you get on multiplayer?

you can get all of the skulls on multiplayer. =)

Where are all the mythic skulls on Halo 3 odst?

if you want to know where the skulls are all you have to do is go to youtube and put in "halo 3 odst mythic skulls" and it will show you how to get to them

What difficulty do you have to play campaign on halo 3 to get the skulls or acheivements?

If you want all the achievements, then play Legendary. If you just want the "Complete Mission #" achievements and the skulls, play on anything other than Easy.

Where can you find the skulls in Halo 3?

ok, go to youtube and type in "how to find all halo 3 skulls" then watch the video and get the skulls. yes, its that simple.

Where are all the hidden skulls silever and gold skulls in halo 3?

Find them your self

How do you get Halo 2 skulls?

The skulls are hidden all over the map. To get them all you have to do is find them and pick them up.

How do you get all the armor in Halo 3?

By getting skulls.

How do you get commando armor in Halo 3?

get all skulls

Are there skulls hidden in halo reach?

No. You are given them all.

What level of difficulty do you have to be on to obtain halo 3 skulls?

Hello, asker of this question. The answer is the normal difficulty or higher. The game does not allow you to obtain skulls on easy difficulty because that would make the game too easy. You can either get it on normal (recommended), heroic (if you are up to the challenge), or legendary (for those hardcore gamers who can handle the given problems). The cool thing about it is that if you obtain all the Halo 3 skulls (not including the ones in the map packs), you get Hayabusa armor perms. If you think it's ninja armor, you are correct! Thank you for reading this. :)

What is halo 3 legendary ending with all skulls on?

If i am correct then it is the same as the skulls being off.