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Q: Is it true the protestant revivalists preached that god could be found in nature and that lives were predestined and people should accept their fate?
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Who first preached 'accept jesus'?

I believe it was John the Baptist

What is the different denomination of Baptist religion?

Baptists are a denomination in themselves. Although some baptists don't accept the fact that they are part of the protestant movement, they do resemble protestant religions.

Positive and negative effects of the Protestant Reformation on women?

for me,reformation have always been the problem of everyone.but we have to accept that change is constant in our life......

Why did Edward make the church more Protestant?

To a great extent England was already protestant by the time Edward VI was crowned, he did however inforce it on those who still did not accept the King as head of the Church, as some rebelled against it. Edward VI had been brought up a Protestant like Elizabeth I was.

Basic belifs of Christianity?

The most basic belief in Protestant Christianity is that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, for Forgiveness of your Sins, by Faith.

Why does roman catholic not qualify as a Protestant denomination?

Protestants and Catholics are all Christians and believe in Christ. However, the Protestants do not accept all the Catholic core beliefs. A number of the mainstream Protestant faiths were started by those who disagreed with some aspects of the Catholic faith. Methodists, Baptist, Presbyterian and Episcopalian are some of the mainstream Protestant beliefs.

Which religion accepts sprinkling baptism?

Catholics accept sprinkling baptism across the board. Some protestant denominations do as well, such as Lutherans, Methodists, and Episcopalians.

What are all of the religions studied in Germany?

Germany did not accept religions the answer up there is incorrect. there's christianity,which was roman catholic and protestant, islam, muslim, buddhism, and judaism.

What are canonical books?

The books of the Bible that are accepted by a church. The Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches each have slightly different lists of books of the Bible that they accept as canonical.

Which Dutch protestant ruler was Mary a wife of?

Mary was the wife of William, Duke of Orange. Orange was a Dutch province. William and Mary were invited to overthrow James II and take the English throne on the condition that they accept a constitutional monarchy and remain protestant.

What is Ian's ethnic background in My big fat greek wedding?

He was a Welsh Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP), but he converted to Greek Orthodox, saying: "I'll do anything to get them to accept me."

Why did King Edward accept protestantism?

His stepmother Catherine Parr had him tutored by protestant tutors. She, his half-sister Elizabeth and his two powerful uncles were all protestants as well.