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no you would die i know this stuff my mom is a Dr.

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Q: Is it true when you sleep your brain detaches itself from your spinal cord?
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Can you sleep after fainting?

Yes. Fainting and sleep are two unrelated things. Fainting is the result of temporary loss of blood pressure to the brain. Sleep is a different state within the brain itself, governed by its own cycles and characteristics. They might look the same from the outside, but are very different in terms of what's actually going on within the brain itself.

How does your brain know when you want to sleep?

The brain itself never sleeps. The brain can give your body signs that it is time for you to go to sleep when, but not limited to: spaciness, mumbling, eye headache, yawning, physical fatigue, clumsiness, etc

What is the main function of the spinal cord?

1. It Is Due to Our Spinal Cord that we can perform Reflex Actions, during the time of an emergency the signals instead of going to our brain go to the spinal cord so that thetime lapse decreases.2. Spinal Cord Helps us to be Straight unlike other mammals who are not able toTo stand straight as well as sleep on their backs.

How does sleeping keep your brain healthy?

No body knows for sure what happens to brain when you sleep. Sleep gives rest to your brain. Good amount of sleep keep your brain healthy. To be able to get good sleep and appetite are priceless treasure you can have.

How many minutes of sleep does the average brain need?

Your brain needs 5 minutes of sleep. Your body needs 8 hours of sleep.

Brain development of a child during sleep?

no your brain goes into sleep mode. it is always turned on and controlling you

How does sleep effect your brain?

Sleeping is good for your brain because it is resting it. Getting enough sleep would make your brain healthy and you as well.

Does your brain sleep when you sleep?

I think no because when some sleep some talking.

What does your brain benefit from?

One thing your Brain benefits from is Sleep.

Why is ideal sleep is good for your health?

Ideal sleep is good for health for a few reasons. One, for example, is that during sleep, your brain reorganizes itself to get ready for the next day. Also, the body needs to slow down to repair itself from a day's work. The absence of sleep can cause drowsiness (obviously), and then after many nights of lost sleep hallucinations occur. Eventually, sever lack of sleep makes people lose track of the things around them and can die. Also, people grow much more in their sleep than when they are awake.

How do dolphins sleep and why do dolphins sleep like that?

When the sleep their brain is half awake so it can breathe

Why is sleep important for the brain?

it isn't