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I have been pregnant two times and have yet to feel the umbilical cord above my belly button.

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Q: Is it true you can feel the umbilical cord above your bellybutton when pregnant?
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Related questions

Why is your bellybutton popping out?

I believe it depends on how the umbilical cord was tied off.

How does god make a bellybutton?

A bellybutton is the result of the umbilical cord being cut and tied off. God does not make them.

What if you have no umbilical cord?

it is not ossible to be born with no umbilical cord. the cord circulates bloood between foetus and mother during time in the womb. babies are born with an umbilical cord which is soon cut off and the end is tied, which is your bellybutton.

What is inside your bellybutton?

when the umbilical cord is clamped or tied and cut, when the cord dries this becomes the belly button.

Do you have to have a bellybutton?

Once you're born - no. The bellybutton is the scar left over from the umbilical cord, which you don't need once you're born.

Why don't all animals have bellybuttons?

Because animals hatched in eggs do not have an umbilical cord, therefore. do not have a bellybutton, the scare left after the umbilical cord is cut. Some animals not hatched from eggs come out of their mothers in a sack and the sack is licked off by their mothers, therefore are left without a bellybutton.

Do you need a bellybutton?

No, your belly button is what used to be your umbilical cord. After you are born it is formed into a belly button and has no more use.

How is baby fed in mom when pregnant?

Through the umbilical cord.

Where is the umbilical cord found in the body and what is it used for?

The umbilical cord is not present in the body at all times. It is formed as the baby inside a pregnant woman develops. The umbilical cord is used to transfer nutrients from the mother to the child.

What is the tube which attaches the embryo to the placenta called?

The umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has the function of sending blood to the baby and returning blood from the baby after it has been utilized. There are two arteries in the umbilical cord that do this.

Does getting your belly button pierced affect your umbilical cord when you are pregnant?

no you dont have a umbilical cord you have a belly button your baby dose not have a belly button yet the umbilical cord attaches to the baby at its belly after its born the umbilical cord is cut giving the baby its belly button. However don't have your belly button pierced while you are pregnant as you will have to take the bar (or whatever) out towards the end.

What is your bellybutton for?

Your belly button or umbillicus is where your body was attached to your placenta by the umbilical cord when you were growing inside your mother before birth. It serves no practical purpose after you separate. Spiritually, that point is the center of your intuition and will be excited, or feel warm, hot, cold, when you become psychically charged. It is where you feel danger or the excitement of love.