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I think it depends on the starting dose. I started at 40 mg. for 3 days, then went to 60 for 3 days and then to 80. This is what I am currently taking and have been for about a month.

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The medication guide states that it takes 2 to 6 weeks for the maximum effectiveness of the dosage to be observed.

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Q: Is it typical for your doctor to increase dosage of Strattera soon after starting it?
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Does Strattera cause fetal position and tics and odd behavior?

See your doctor. Adderall can cause tics, but not Strattera.

Would Strattera help your bipolar?

Answer: I am not a doctor, but my best guess is no. According to the black box warning you should inform your doctor before starting Strattera if you have bipolar disorder. It has been shown to cause suicidal thoughts in children under the age of 18. hope this helps. ***** Answer: I am not a doctor, but my best guess is no. According to the black box warning you should inform your doctor before starting Strattera if you have bipolar disorder. It has been shown to cause suicidal thoughts in children under the age of 18. hope this helps. ***** The movement between highs and lows in bipolar is called cycling. ADHD drugs, stimulants such as Ritalin, and the non-stimulant, Strattera, can make this cycling worse (rapid cycling). If you have bipolar, you should not be taking an ADHD medication unless your doctor feels benefits outweigh the risks. Talk to your doctor to learn more and never be afraid to get a second opinion.

How quickly can you up your dosage on Strattera?

Upping your dosage on any medication is your doctor's call, not yours. When you are initially diagnosed there will be a period when dosage will need to be adjusted. Most typical time frame is 30 - 60 days.

Does Strattera make you mean?

Strattera can cause mood swings in some individuals. If you experience severe mood changes, discontinue use and consult your doctor.

What is the best over the counter cough medication used with Strattera?

We checked with the doctor on OTC medicines with Strattera, and we were open for what ever worked best with our children.

How to get high on strattera?

If you are not use to taking Strattera and especially if the drug is not prescribed for you, you will get high off of it. You should only take the drug under a doctor's direction.

What are the starting and advanced salaries of a doctor?

A typical starting salary for a doctor is about $120,000 per year. Specialty doctors and surgeons make much more. On average a plastic surgeon makes $490,000 per year.

Does Strattera stop working?

The human body can always become immune to a medication taken for a very long time. Call your doctor.

Do mood changes caused by Strattera diminish or disappear over time?

: You should not be experiencing these sorts of effects while taking Strattera. This is what is mentioned on the Black Box Warning for Strattera, including other changes in behavior such as irratibility and suicidal thoughts especially in children. But either way it is clear that you need to contact your doctor and you should dicontinue use of Strattera.

Can you take cephalexin and Strattera together?

Yes, Cephalexin and Strattera can be taken together. Cephalexin is just an antibiotic and will have no effect on the Strattera.

Can I buy Strattera online without a prescription?

Atomoxetine (Strattera) should not be mixed with other SNRI (Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor) medications. It should also not be combined SSRI's such as Fluoextine. You should not take Straterra with medications such as Albuterol before contacting your Primary care physician as the combination of Atomoxetine can increase heart rates (fibrillation) and blood pressure. However, Strattera can be taken with over-the-counter medication that has no effect on heart rate or blood pressure. You should avoid decongestant or some natural products without the approbation of your doctor.

Can you take Strattera with multi vitamins?

According to drug data on Strattera, there is no problem taking standard vitamin supplements with this drug. If you want to take large doses or to take other types of supplements, check with your doctor first.