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In the Wizard of Oz, it is only a Golden BRICK road!

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Q: Is it white or yellow lane on the right side of the road?
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What Do the lines on the road look like when you are in a passing lane?

a blur? no if you are in a passing lane the line to the right will be a white line that has skips, and the line to your left will be a solid yellow or double yellow

Difference between road lane and line?

The difference between a road lane and a line is the direction of travel on the roadway. In a road lane situation, there are usually two lanes divided by a white dotted line, traveling in the same direction. If there is a center line, (yellow solid or yellow dotted) the direction of travel is one lane each way.

Why do we use yellow colors on the roads?

The yellow is a stark contrast to the black/grey especially at night or poor driving conditions i.e. fog and snow - In some countries they use white which can "disappear" in poor condition yet use the yellow to mark restricted stopping and parking

On a road with a dashed white line and 2 lanes going the same direction which lane is the driving lane?

The right one (Slow Lane)... The left is for Passing

Should a US driver pass out of his right lane into the left hand lane if there are two solid yellow lines are painted on pavement?

Double yellow continuous lines means stay in your lane, which is the right hand lane on a 2-lane road in the United States. You are not permitted to cross double yellow continuous lines. In some jurisdictions, the police will ticket you if your tire even comes close to or touches the double yellow lines because you are encroaching on the opposite lane's space.

How do you pass on a two lane road?

When there is a broken white or yellow line in the middle like dashes.

When you turn right onto a multi lane road which lane do you turn in to?

When you are in the far right lane, your turn should put you in the far right lane. Then, when safe, you can merge into the left lane to pass. This is for a right turn from a 2 or 4 lane onto a 2-or higher lane road.

The lane markings in the center lane in this image indicate that?

Lane markings on roads are very important; they let the driver know the rules of the road. Solid centerlines usually yellow or white indicate the driver should not cross the line and stick to their side of the road to prevent accidents.

What color is a broken lane marker?

Yellow on a two way road with one lane of traffic in each direction. White on one way streets, except for restricted or turn lanes. (U.S.)

Why does Canada drive on the right side of the road?

In Canada there is a yellow line in the middle of the road to separate the lanes. It is on your left side so drivers stay on your right to avoid collision from the cars on the other lane.

When the left lane of a two way road merges with the right lane who has the right of way?

The lane which remains continuous has the right of way; therefore, if the left lane is merging into the right lane and is ending, then the vehicle already occupying the right lane has right of way.

What does a yellow diamond shaped sign mean?

It is found in VERY few areas and it means a change in the road from a 4 lane to a 2 lane road.