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Wasps do not reuse old nests, so if you know the wasps have gone there is no risk and you can simply remove the nest.

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Q: Is it worth having a wasp nest destroyed at the end of summer if the wasps have finished with the nest?
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Related questions

When are wasps active?

Wasps are active during the summer months and during the day.

Are there any carnivorous wasps?

Yes my family and I went to Egypt last summer and after we finished our meal there was a bit of meat that had fallen on the table and a wasp came by and was eating it for around 15-20 minutes. I've also heard of wasps eating other insects...

Why are wasps building a nest in August?

They build nests yearound. Their other nest was destroyed most likely.

What happens if you disturb the wasp nest during the summer?

You get stung...

What time of year do wasps disappear?

wasps live only for a day, so when night hits they all die

Will the wasp go away after the nest is gone?

If the nest of a wasp is completely destroyed, the wasps will search for another place to make a nest.

How do you trace wasps back to their hive?

You trace wasps back to their nest (not hive, that's only for bees) by watching which way they go after they have finished eating. Give them something to eat, like honeycomb, and there will be lots to follow.

How do you keep wasps away?

Seal entry points. Solitary wasps in the home can be a nuisance; daily sightings of wasps in the home may indicate inside nest building, and more attention to the problem is required. Remove food sources. In spring and early summer, wasps are attracted to protein foods.

What are Red Wasps?

Red wasps are wasps that are red and they will sting you in the balls.

Types of wasps?

There are many types of wasps (over 100,000 species), but they usually fall into one of the two categories - solitary or social. Solitary wasps - mud daubers, pollen wasps, potter wasps. Social wasps - polistine paper wasps.

If you destroy a wasps nest will the wasps survive?

Yes, if you destroy just the nest of the wasps they will survive. You will have to spray chemicals to kill the wasps.

Can wasps be male and female?

There are male wasps (drones) and female wasps (queen and workers).