

Is it worth it to buy a PSP?

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12y ago

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It depends what kind of PSP your buying. If your buying a PSP 1000 model (Fat Model) than your looking at a good $150-$170 dollar price. If your buying a PSP 2000 (Slim Model) Going to a $170-$180. If your going with a Slim and Lite model, (PSP 3000) your looking at a straight $200 price. Last but not least, if your buying the PSP GO (16GB hardware NO UMD DISK DRIVE) than your looking at a $250 dollar price. Now I have the PSP 1000 and the PSP 3000. I do not recommend the Go because it is very lame and isn't worth 250 considering that you could just add 50 and ta da! you got yourself a PS3. So Go with the 3000. If your low on money. Go to the 1000. If your in the middle. Go with the 2000

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To get a PSP, you can just go to gamestop and buy it, or buy it online

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I'm not an expert, but I believe that when you pay for a PSP, you get a PSP?

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What problems does the PSP 3000 have?

Depends, Do you want to hack it? PSP 3000 is unhackable at the moment. The PSP 3000 still has a lot of problems with the screen. I'd wait for the bugs to get worked out. If you have a PSP 2000, then it really isn't worth the money to buy a new one. They're about the same other than that.

Where can buy psp 4000 in India?

There is no such thing as a PSP 4000.

What to buy with 399?

Psp,psp go,ps2,ps3

Does a PSP have bluetooth?

No, but the psp go has bluetooth built in. All standard psp's do not, you could buy a psp bluetooth dongle.

Can you buy PSP go games in shops?

You can buy them on the PSP go or you can go to gamespot or somewhere like that. You can also play the ones for the regular PSP on it too