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I believe that it is wrong to question God. But you will always be curious until you are completely sure of God's love.

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Q: Is it wrong to believe in God and be curious about the occult?
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Islam is a monotheistic religion that believe in Allah as the one true god and Muhammad as his prophet.

Does Sikhism believe in one god or many?

Sikhs believe that there is one god but they have gurus which means teacher who teach them right to wrong

If you believe in god but not Jesus does that make you a athious?

No, not nesessarily. I could be wrong but I think some Jewish people believe in God but not Jesus. Athiests say there is no God.

In what religion do they believe that god determines what is right and what is wrong?

AnswerIslam and other religions revealed by God

Does zane believe in god?

If your talking about zayn from one direction, you spelled his name wrong its "zayn" but yes he does believe in god, his mom is Christian.

Can you be bisexual and still believe highly in god?

Belief in God can be completely independent of anything that you do. For example, Satan believes in God, but that doesn't make him any better. If you believe that being bisexual is wrong, and that God would not approve of you being bisexual, that doesn't mean you don't believe in Him, just that you're not following Him. If you don't believe you're doing something wrong by being bisexual, and that God approves of that kind of behavior, then you not only believe in him, but you are following him in that part of your life as well.

What does Psychic visions mean?

they are false but can come true if you believe in them. but occult leads to deception because they think that lucifer can defeat God but the truth is lucifer lost at calvary. to best know about your future seek a prophet of God and not a psychic.

Do some Occult groups try to contact God?

Their beliefs are usually other than God based

What does mia amica mean?

forgive me if im wrong but i believe it means "my god, my friend"

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If God is incapable of wrong how is he capable of making wrong possible?

AnswerPerhaps God is not incapable of wrong. At times in the Old Testament, he has regretted something he had already done. In other words, he realised he had done something wrong.And the Book of Exodus, for example, says that God ordered the Israelites to commit genocide in their conquest of Canaan. Some people now say that this can not have been wrong, because God ordered it and God does no wrong. But those who believe in moral absolutes would have problems with that explanation.If God is real and wrong is possible, then our understanding of God must permit him to do wrong and permit wrong.

Does god believe that witchcraft is okay?

The bible says that those who practice black magic will not inherit the kingdom of god. So it is very wrong.