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I don't believe that it's necessarily wrong. It just may not be a custom to hug so it might not be normal thing to them. Again, I don't believe it would be necessarily wrong.

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Q: Is it wrong to hug a Navajo?
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It could mean anything!?!? I mean, they're your cousin but so it would be just wrong if he had feelings for you, but what they do, what will you do about it? Sorry, this was no help

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There are two ways you can say "Navajo" in Navajo. Dinémeans "The People" in Navajo. The Navajo call themselves "Diné". Nabeehó is another way of saying Navajo.

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Not all girls will hate it, but they are just not in fashion at the moment. They also seem to hug in the wrong places.

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you have the wrong guy. he likes to feel your boobies when he hugs you