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If the rabbits are well housed, well fed and generally well cared for then most people would not consider it to be wrong to eat rabbits. The same applies to any creature which we farm for food. In the past when times were hard, poor people would willingly eat rabbit. It has superb taste when cooked correctly.

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Q: Is it wrong to raise rabbits to eat?
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How do rabbits raise ther family rabbits?

Rabbits raise their families by feeding them. Emma

Can you eat rabbits?

Yes. Many people do raise rabbits just for that purpose. Rabbit meat is actually VERY healthy for you. It's one of the most healthy meats there is because it doesn't have much fat, no cholesterol, and the meat has a lot of protein.

Do rabbits eat foxes?

yes!foxes do eat rabbits

What eat rabbits man?

Man (carnivores) may eat rabbits, but rabbits (herbivores) eat plant life.

Does an Impala eat rabbits?

The impala is herbivorous; it does not eat rabbits.

What animal does rabbits eat?

rabbits don't eat animals they are vegetarian's.

Can my rabbit eat lemons?

rabbits can not eat lemons.Lemons are to sour for rabbits.

is it how much do your rabbits or rabbit's eat in one day?

it is rabbits

What do home rabbits eat bunnies?

Rabbits are herbivores and do not eat other rabbits! They only eat plant material, fruit, pellets, and vegetables.

Do wild rabbits eat wild rats?

I have a colony of rabbits and rats will get in and eat the rabbits food and kits (babies) but are not a danger to the adults. They can transmit disease to your rabbits so you need to set out traps to get rid of them. well do they eat rabbits? because i have two rabbits and we recently saw a rat digging a whole from the back of the rabbit cage to the bottom trying to get in. well do they eat rabbits? because i have two rabbits and we recently saw a rat digging a whole from the back of the rabbit cage to the bottom trying to get in. -- Rats will eat any meat, however, they are not hunters. They are probably trying to get to the food in your rabbits cage. A wild rat can attack and kill a rabbit if it is hungry enough or feels threatened. A rat does not normally attack animals larger than itself unprovoked.

Do baby rabbits eat their feces?

No rabbits eat their feces, although all rabbits eat cecotropes. Rabbits have two kinds of droppings: feces, and cecotropes. Baby rabbits that aren't weaned yet eat their mother's cecotropes; once they're weaned, they eat their own cecotropes.

Do snakes eat rabbits?

Full-grown rabbits are rather large for most snakes, but many snakes will prey on baby rabbits, and some of the larger snakes can eat adult rabbits.