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Yes if you do it to much it will hurt.

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Q: Is itching my scalp bad
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Related questions

What are some causes of scalp itching?

There are a few different reasons a scalp can be itchy. Often the cause of scalp itching is due to dry scalp but could also be due to things such as not washing hair often enough or washing hair too often. Cold weather and dry indoor air often contribute to scalp itching.

Why do pick your head?

your scalp could be dirty and is itching

What causes itching on scalp above the ears?

Could be an insect bite.

What is evidence of dandruff?

flakes on the shoulder is one way to see it. itching scalp is another.

What does headlice do to the scalp?

Head lice live, breed and eat off the scalp. The itching and irritation comes from them biting and feeding off blood in the scalp.

How do stop mosquito bites on the scalp from itching?

Butter helps. ICE stops it right away.

How do you stop cornrows from itching?

See the Related Link and read the article, "My Tree Braids Experience" and see the section on caring for braids to find out what stops that horrible scalp itching after braiding!

Is itching bad to itch a rash?


How do I stop scalp psoriasis being itchy?

Effective treatment of psoriasis will control itching. Use the treatment for psoriasis that your health care provider recommended.

How do you stop itching of scalp when coloring?

Adding two packets of Sweet 'N Low to the hair color mixture will numb the scalp and stop the color from burning without affecting the color results. This is a very common practice in the salon.

Which symptoms are caused by lice?

Intense itching and discomfort to the hairy parts of the bodyIntense itching in the scalp for one.As they suck blood, they release an agent that hinders the clothing of blood.Most humans react to this agent and it starts to itch, much like a mosquito bite.

How do you get lice when its not from other people or animals?

I feel sorry for white people because they get lice and black people don't(experienced from my bff Michaela). I'm Latina, French, and dutch and I never got lice. You can get it from these reasons below. 1. Not washing your hair enough 2. Your scalp is too dry 3. If you have bad dandruff and you don't have dandruff shampoo. 4. From itching your scalp. Watch out for those reasons.