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Q: Is joining an interest group or political party more effective than voting?
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What voluntary action can be taken by citizens who want to make a political difference beyond voting?

engaging in civil disobedience joining an interest group Publicly protesting at a political rally - APEX

Which of the following is not a form of political participation A. listening to the news B. supporting a citizen movement C. voting or D. joining a party?

Answer A. Listening to the news is not a form of political participation.

How do individuals participate in government nationally and locally?

Individuals can participate in government by voting, running for public office, joining a political party, communicating with government officials (petition), and volunteering at voting polls or any other place in your community.

What is one of the most important influences on lawmaker's voting behavior?

Concerns of voters, political party's, special interest groups, the president, the nature of the issue, and personal beliefs

Why is gerrymandering effective?

The gerrymandering is effective in two ways. One is to gain political advantage and the other is to influence voting choices. The practice of gerrymandering is a way of manipulating political boundaries to create politically advantaged voting districts. It results in extremely mis-shapen political districts that can be used to manipulate the elective process. The purpose is to minimize the effect of opponents' votes and maximize the effect of supporters' votes.

The smallest organized political area for voting is a?

The smallest organized political area for voting is a precinct.

Is the smallest organized political area for voting?

The smallest organized political area for voting is a precinct.

What have the same meaning as picketing?

Joining Or Protesting Or Discussing Or Voting

Ineffectiveness at the polling place on voting day leads to?

Frustration and loss of interest in voting

What causes a change in political leadership in the US?

Voting changed political leadership in the us

Who was the target of progressive reformers?

Voting fraud

How can an individual protect her rights and participate in the political process?

By being well informed and voting.