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Q: Is juan ponce de leon rich or poor?
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Is ponce de loen rich or poor?

According to History, Juan Ponce De Leon was a spanish solider. They had never mentioned if in fact he was rich or poor, but since he found gold, Ponce De Leon did in fact become decently wealthy

What was the reason for exploring Juan ponce DE leon?

To be curious and rich because of the gold.

What was Juan Ponce de leon's childhood like?

he was the son of a noble family.which means he was rich,he learned how to read and write too

What Juan Ponce de Leon rich?

He was rich because he was the explorer of Puerto Rico (Known as San Juan before he changed it) and he was Puerto Rico's first governer.

Why did juan ponce de leon sail to Florida?

to eat unicorns and bugs and to marry the gummy drop queen

What was Juan Ponce de Leon's reasons for exploration?

To find the fountain of youth, please his king and queen, for the fun of exploring, gold, etc. Ponce de Leon traveled to find the fountain of youth and gold. He did it to become rich and famous. Ponce de Leon did not find the fountain of youth. He died by a Native American. Ponce de Leon got shot with an arrow and became sick. Later on he died. He died on 1521, and is buried in Cuba.

What were the reasons of Juan ponce De Leon exploring?

the reasons ponce de leon went exploring was to find the fountain of youth and the fountain of youth meant if you drank from it you will never get older its true dont say im a lier because its the truth and he never found the fountain of youth

What man discovered and named Florida?

Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon and his crew landed on the shores of St. Augustine, searching for the elusive 'Fountain of Youth' in 1565. Founded and named by European settlers, it's the oldest permanent settlement in the United States. Because of it's sunshine, bountiful and rich flora, the state was named Florida, Spanish for "Feast of Flowers." In 1845 it became the 27th State in the Union. The original human inhabitants of Florida are the Seminole Native American Tribes.

When did Puerto Rico become Puerto Rico?

If you mean the name it was first called Borinken by the natives then San Juan Bautista and finally Puerto Rico. The name is given for the riches colonists found on the island. A myth explaining this states that Ponce de Leon says what a rich port.

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Rich And Poor.

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rich and poor