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Juliet's decision to drink the potion can be seen as both foolhardy and courageous. It is foolhardy because she is taking a risk by putting her trust in Friar Lawrence's plan without knowing all the potential consequences. However, it can also be seen as courageous because she is willing to face death in order to be with Romeo, showing her deep love and commitment to him.

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Q: Is juliets drinking of the potion foolhardly or courageous?
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What are juliets worst fears before drinking the potion in romeo and Ju?

Juliet's worst fears before drinking the potion in "Romeo and Juliet" include waking up alone in the tomb, being buried alive, and potentially suffering a violent death if the plan fails. She is also afraid of the uncertainty of the potion's effects and whether Romeo will truly be there to rescue her.

Drinking the potion is a courageous or a foolish act?

Drinking the potion is a couragous thing, it is also a follish thing to do. Juliet drank the potion so Romeo could save her and it would end the feud netween the the two families. But Juliet drank it without informing Romeo about the plan, so Romeo found her dead and they were so in love that he killed himselfwith his dagger to be with Juliet. Juliet then woke up to find her lovers dead body, which caused her real death.Juliet had stabbed her self with Romeoes dagger. Drinking the potion is couragous but in the end is a foolish.

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Romeo finds Juliet's body in her bedroom after she has taken a potion that makes her appear dead.

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She begins to have doubts that she might not awake from the potion and that she might die after she has taking the potion.

One of juliets fears about the potion?

1. What if it does not work. 2. What if it is a poison that is given to her that will kill her. 3. What if she wakes up before Romeo comes.

Is Juliet acting out of bravery or desperation when she takes the potion?

Both. She is being very courageous, but the plan is a desperate one.

What does frair Laurence say will happen when Juliet drinks the potion?

Friar Laurence tells Juliet that she will appear dead for 42 hours after she drinks the potion, and then she will wake up as if from a pleasant sleep.

How long does juliets sleeping potion last?

Juliet's sleeping potion in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" lasts for 42 hours. She takes it to feign death and is found by Romeo, who believes her to be truly dead. This tragic misunderstanding leads to the eventual demise of both lovers.

Is juliets back up plan to use a dagger in case the potion doesn't work?

Yes, Juliet's backup plan is to use a dagger if the potion doesn't work. She fears waking up in the tomb before Romeo arrives and chooses to have the dagger as a way to prevent herself from a painful death if the potion fails.

How does dr. Jekyll feel after drinking the potion for the first time?

Dr. Jekyll feels a sense of liberation and euphoria after drinking the potion for the first time. He experiences a surge of energy and a newfound sense of freedom from his inhibitions and societal constraints.

Where was Dr. Jekyll when he first trandformed into Mr. Hyde without drinking the potion?

Dr. Jekyll transformed into Mr. Hyde for the first time while in his laboratory, without drinking the potion. This event was triggered by his inner turmoil and the repression of his darker impulses.

Where was Dr. Jekyll when he first transformed into Mr Hyde without drinking the potion?

in his bed