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Q: Is king fish good or bad cholesterol?
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What fats lowers your bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol?

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered the good fats that raise the HDL or good cholesterol. Omega 3 which is found in certain fatty fish will do the same. The LDL or bad cholesterol should be decreased for heart health.

Is cholesterol good or bad?

Good cholesterol is necessary to the human body to carry the substances all over, and bad cholesterol that blocks the passage is very bad

What foods are good for a diet to lower cholesterol?

Foods with fatty natural oils, like fish or nut oils, help lower bad cholesterol. Eating peanuts, cashews, many different types of fish, oats, and other food containing these items will all help control and lower your bad cholesterol.

How can I reduce my cholesterol in a natural way?

One way to lower your cholesterol would be to eat some Omega 3 Fish or Krill Oil. There may be a fishy smell or aftertaste, but it can help out a lot. Remember you have good and bad cholesterol, and you don't just want to reduce the bad, you want to increase the good as well.

I have a cholesterol reading of 6.6 the good cholesterol is 2.45 is this bad?

i am in risk my cholesterol is 6.6

What are considered bad HDL cholesterol levels?

HDL cholesterol is considered good cholesterol and it actively removes bad cholesterol. HDL cholesterol levels greater than 60 milligrams is considered good but lower than 40 milligrams is considered bad.

Is the cholesterol in skinless chicken good or bad?

The cholesterol is very high meaning very bad.

Can you have good and bad cholesterol?


What are the misconceptions about cholesterol?

One misconception is that there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Your doctor will know the difference.

What is different between hdl and ldl cholesterol?

HDL= Good Cholesterol, LDL = Bad Cholesterol

How can cholesterol be stopped?

Your body needs some cholesteral. What is inmportant is that you have more good then bad. there is ldl and hdl. ldl is bad hdl is good. You can lower your bad levels by eating a more healthy diet, olive oil fish or fish oils, less of the bad like beef or pork fat or margerine.

Is the no cholesterol diet vegetarian?

A no cholesterol diet can be vegetarian, but it does not have to be. You can eliminate most fats and then you will be close to being on a cholesterol diet. Most poultry and fish do not have the 'bad' fat.