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No since it is not an element. It is a chemical compound. C3H6O3

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Q: Is lactic acid in the periodic table of elements?
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Is sulfuric acid on the periodic table?

No, the periodic table only lists elements. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a compound of three elements: hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen.

How do you name the compound HIO4?

Periodic Acid. Pronounce Per - I-oh-dic. not periodic like the table of the elements.

What does h2so4 mean in the periodic table?

H2SO4 is a compound named as sulphuric acid. Its elements hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur are present on periodic table.

Is acid on the periodic table?

First: Acid is not a single substance but is a category that includes many different substances. Second: No, all acids are compounds.

Is acid element?

no, it is a mixture of several elements. elements are what you can see in the periodic table for example Oxygen and Hydrogen.

Does an acid have to be a liquid?

no, like other elements in the periodic table they can be solid, liquid or gas

Is Vitamin c on the periodic table?

No, because vitamin C is a compound, not an element. The four main elements in ascorbic acid are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen; these four elements are in the periodic table.

Is there any acid or alkalis on the periodic table?

Acids are not on the periodic table. Acids are compounds, the periodic table is only for elements.

What is hydrochloric acid on the periodic table?

Chloride on the periodic table is ...Cl

Where on the Periodic Table can one find the symbol used for Benzoic Acid?

The chemical notation for Benzoic Acid is C7H602. These elements that comprise Benzoic Acid, Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O) are found on the Periodic Table. These elements are all nonmetals and are found in the first two rows of the table. Their exact location is 1 for Hydrogen, 6 for Carbon, and 8 for Oxygen.

What elements are present in lactic acid?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

Are there any amino acids in the periodic table?

An amino acid is a molcule, a collection of atoms including hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen amonst others. The periodic table is a table of the elements so the element sthat make up amino acids a present in it but not the molecules.