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The thing about NC is they don't deal with any crime lightly. (you may have heard this before, but in NC they throw the book on anyone.) What ever your looking at, as far as larceny goes, will be a big deal. You will be in the news paper regardless of if it was a misdemeanor or felony. As far as what I have learned from your question, well it depends on the offense. Above $500.00 is a felony, automatic. Your looking at at least a 2 year prison sentence if that is the case, sorry to tell you, however if it a misdemeanor first offense, then a butt-load of community service and a offer to expunge your record after it is done (the thing is they tell you this, straight-faced, from the Judge, but I did all my things and it still shows up on background checks.). I tell you now it will never be expunged as long as you live in NC. If you move to a different state after conviction they will probably show you a tiny bit more sympathy if you showed that you will move up in the world. Get a lawyer as soon as you can, is the best advice I can give you.

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Is a felon whose crime is neither violent or gun related prohibeted from owning a gun in NC?

Check with a NC lawyer, probation officer, or the NC state attorney's office. Free legal advice on the Internet is not worth the money you paid for it.

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The crime rate in Charlotte, NC is considered average. South Carolina has the lower crime rate among North Carolina and South Carolina.

What are some of the penalties for a misdemesnor larceny?

Penalties for misdemeanor larceny can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but common consequences may include fines, probation, community service, and potentially a short jail sentence. Repeat offenses or aggravating factors could result in harsher punishments.

Can a person who has been charged with a felony but not convicted be executor of and estate in NC?

Yes, a person who has been charged with a felony but not convicted of the crime can be the executor of an estate depending where that person is in the legal process. A person who has been charged with a felony is considered innocent until proven guilty.

Is spanking a 17 yr old in NC a crime?

Yes, it can be considered a drime.

Can they pick you up in fl for a warrant in nc?

Yes, if the warrant is on file in the National Crime Information Computer system and NC states that will extradite.

How lond does one have to wait to purchase a firearm after being convicted of a violent misdemeanor in NC?

Depends on the misdemeanor.

What is the definition of a malicious misdemeanor in NC?

Malicious misdemeanor is a lower than felony class crime. One of the elements of the crime must include that the offender perpetrated the crime "with malice"

Where is Roxboro NC?

Roxboro NC is in Person County, in north-central NC, about 25 miles south of the Virginia border.

At what age can a child be charged as an adult with a crime in NC?

Unless they've changed the law recently, all 16 and 17-year-olds arrested for any offense in NC, are automatically tried as adults. They can be tried as adults at a younger age (13, I believe), depending on the severity of the crime.