

Is legal bad or good

Updated: 4/30/2024
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13y ago

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Legal is good

Illegal is bad

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Lawfulness is generally considered good as it promotes order, justice, and fairness in society. Abiding by laws helps maintain a harmonious and safe environment for individuals and communities.

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13y ago

Illegal is bad

Legal is good

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not good, not bad. Average, Pls think about corruption there

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It makes no difference if its a good thing or a bad thing - it is part of the legal process.

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A case is dismissed as moot, meaning there isn't an issue to be decided. The terms "good" and "bad" are subjective terms and don't apply as a legal term.

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If they are legal they aren't bad unless you take too many.

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It can be. Graffiti can be legal if you get permission from whoever owns that part of the land to spray paint the walls. If you are doing it illegally then it is bad, but if you are doing it legally, then it is good.

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What do lawyers in his job actually do?

There are so many interpretations for your question. There are Lawyers and Lawyers. There are affairs and affairs. There are clients and clients. Every demand, legal issue, or other condition always have a distinct story. Good lawyers do good job, bad lawyers do bad job. If you have a legal issue, and want to seek for a good lawyer, you have a good chance of getting what you want. They actually do a good job if the question is fitted to his competence.

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not if its legal.

Good is to bad as bad is to ..?


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I don't know if it is legal, but i know that it is wrong. Just use your gym membership, it's not as bad as you think. It's actually a good thing if you have a membership.

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yes it is, but that employer isn't REALLY an employer. I would say that giving you a contract is neither a good or bad thing