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Countries can seldom be classed as 'good' or 'bad' - that is a definition of their leadership.

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Q: Is libya a good country
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Is libya a oil-ooor country?

Libya is an oil-rich country.

What country is between Egypt and Lebanon?

Algeria and Libya share a border, so in that way, there is no country between them. However, Tunisia is between part of Algeria and part of Libya, so that is the country that could be the answer.

What is the continent for Libya?

Libya is a country in Africa.

Which country does not have any savanna-Tanzania Kenya or Libya?

Libya. Libya.

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What country has the largest percentage of desert?

Libya does.

When was Libya formed as a country?

Libya as a land is known for thousands of years, But in 1951 when italy lost control of libya. Libyam country was formed known as Kingdom of libya.

What is the capital of the mediterranean country west of Egypt and east of Algeria?

That country is Libya, and the capital of Libya is Tripoli.

Which country first colonized libya?

The first country that colonized Libya was Italy (1934~1943)

This country lies west of Egypt?

Lyba ITS Libya!!

What is the country east of Libya?

There are two: Algeria is to the west of Libya while Tunisia is to the northwest.

European country that colonized libya and eritrea?

European country which colonized Libya and Eritrea is Italy.