

Is light energy harmful to human?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Is light energy harmful to human?
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Photons are light and while you do not specify the energy of this light (high energy light such as gamma radiation, X-Rays or UV light can be harmful) on balance a neutron source would be more harmful. This is because the neutrons have mass and on hitting you will tend to damage the atoms which make up your body.

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Because electric power energy is converted to light energy and human eyes can see light.

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Since that includes light, you'd be blind without them.

Is light energy a clean form of energy or is it harmful to the environment?

At the levels at which we're ever likely to encounter light, the energy it carries is completely clean. I would go so far as to offer the conjecture that no plant or animal was ever harmed by absorbing too much light.

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Yes, "visible" light.

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Visible light, also simply called light.

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The Wavelenght of microwaves is between 1m to 1mm, the visible light has a wavelength of ca 350nm-750nm. A Short wavelenght means a high frequency and fequency indicates a high energylevel. Therefore Micorwaves have a verylow energy, comparet with the normal light. So: It is harmless! Neramo

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