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Skin complesion in not really detirmined by ganes.It is decided by complection and how the colors mix.There is no sure waw to know.I guess fait has the last word!!!1

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Q: Is light or dark skin dominant?
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Why is a baby the color it is when made by two different colored parents?

For example, if a baby is made by an African American parent and a Caucasian parent, the baby will almost always have a dark skin tone. The reason for this is because the gene for dark skin color is dominant over the gene for light tone skin.

Which is better light or dark skin?

both are ok, I think light skin looks better.

What color match with blue color?

If you have dark hair and wearing blue with light skin, get a tuquois and wear it with a silver. If you have dark skin and dark hair, wear electric blue with bubble gum pink. If you have light hair and light skin, wear pastel blue and white or light brown

Would light brown hair look good with dark skin?

How dark? Medium brown or tan yes. But really dark African skin, no.

Why are some Haitian light skin?

For the same reason that some Americans are dark skin...

Why do some people have the same skin colour as their parent and others skin colour different from their parent?

it depends on your gene. there are dominant and recessive gene present. and for skin colour, bright colour are dominant over dark colour. if the both the parent are bright skin colour but the children is dark skin colour. there are possibilities where the recessive gene present in one or both parent. under certain circumstances the recessive gene will show its trait instead of the dominant gene. that's why some parent skin colour is different from the childrens' skin colour

Why do light skin men prefer dark skin women?

They like dark skin women because it's something so different from what they have and dark skin women are so beautiful! People love the opposite of what they have a lot of times!

Can two white parents produce a dark skinned child?

skin pigmentation can come from the genes you carry and are made up of. so if you had 5 siblings and 1 was ofdarker skined and 4 who were of fair complexion and all 5 siblings went and had 3 children one of the fair complexion siblings could have a darker skined child and so forth.

What are the release dates for Black Men Revealed - 2007 Light Skin vs- Dark Skin 1-6?

Black Men Revealed - 2007 Light Skin vs- Dark Skin 1-6 was released on: USA: 18 February 2007

Why do fair skin people burn easily?

Because light skin just reflexs the light and the dark skin due to its colour absorbs the heat and don`t burn the skin.

What colour skin do people have in Algeria?

U can find dark skin people in south .light and white skin in north

What do the UV rays from the sun do to your skin?

It makes skin light or dark this guy ^ is a complete idiot great answer mate thanks.... i kno thanks alot, i think they cause cancer that's the answer i wanted not" oh it makes the skin dark or light"