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From radio at 550 KHz to, let's say, X-ray at 3 x 1018 Hz, you have a band of frequencies

that spans about 12.7 decades (times tens), or about 42 octaves (times twos).

From deep cherry red at 4 x 1014 Hz to perky violet at 7.5 x 1014 Hz, you have

a band of frequencies that spans about 0.27 decade, or about 0.91 octave.

Visible light is a minuscule sliver of even this truncated portion of the E&M spectrum.

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Q: Is light the largest portion of the EM spectrum?
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Which of these statements about the EM spectrum is false?

Most of the EM spectrum is visible light.

What is another word for light waves?

Electromagnetic waves or radiation. "Light," however, generally refers to that portion of the EM spectrum that our eyes can detect.

The visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum represent a large portion of the spectrum?

The visible portion of electromagnetic spectrum is called the visible light and is the electromagnetic wave with the wavelength between 380 - 740 nm.

Why is it true to say that all EM radiation is light even though we can see only a small slice of the spectrum as visible light?

Visible light is a very small part of the EM spectrum and it is intellectual laziness to refer to all EM radiation as light.

Is visible light a major part of the EM spectrum?

It is certainly a very important part, but it is not a major part; 'visible light' makes up only a tiny part of the EM spectrum.

The range of electromagnetic waves placed in a certain order is called the?

Well there is the Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Visible light is the light that we can see and they are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. On the EM spectrum there is radio/ TV, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet (UV), xrays,and gamma rays.

Where is the uv rays located on the spectrum?

just beyond violet in the visible light section of the em spectrum

What type of em wave comes from incandescent light bulbs?

Visible and infra red parts of the EM spectrum

Does an elecromagnetic wave need a medium?

No. Light is in the EM spectrum, and we can see light from the sun as space is a vacuum it can be concluded that EM waves do not need a medium.

Where is the visible light in the EM spectrum?

between 400 nm and 700 nm

How are x-rays differentrom the light?

X-rays and visible light are part of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum or EM Spectrum. The EM Spectrum is a depiction of all EM waves from the longest to the shortest. X-rays have a shorter wavelength than visible light. Our eyes only have the ability to translate a small section of the EM Spectrum into information our brain can process. The section our eyes can translate is the visible light section. Each color we see has a different wave length. You can use a prism to view all the colors of light or just look a a rainbow. X-rays also are deadlier than visible light because of its shorter wavelength. They can go through the body easier than visible light. Google EM Spectrum and you'll get a better answer.

What part of the EM spectrum do you use to see stuff?

That part is called "visible light", or just "light".