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Lilith is not in The Bible.

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Q: Is lilith in the Bible same as leviathan?
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Are Pandora and Lilith the same?

No, they are not. Pandora is a purely Greek myth. Lilith is Mesopotamian and Jewish, and also a late addition to the Bible story of Adam.

What happen to Adam first wife Lilith?

Lilith is not mentioned in the Bible.

Was Lilith made before Eve in the King James Bible?

No, in the King James Bible, Lilith is not mentioned at all. The creation story in Genesis describes Eve as being created after Adam.

What monsters begin with l?

leviathan, lamasu, leprechaun, lich, lilith, lucifer, loch ness monster, loveland frog, lamia

Is lilith in the bible good or bad?

She is Pretty. But bad.

Where in the Bible it have a name of a animal which do not have no head?

Some have rumored the Leviathan in the Old Testament had not head but if you read the Bible passages were Leviathan is mentioned you don't get the idea he was headless. There are no other animals in the Bible which did not have heads.

Are centaurs in The Bible?

A:No. Giants and chaos monsters (Behemoth, Leviathan) are in the Bible, but not centaurs.

Is there a Lillian in The Bible?

No. You are probably referring to Lilith which is part of Jewish mythology.

What Adam named is me yet I am only mentioned in the bible four times?


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Where in the Bible does it talk of the dinosaurs?

in job 40, job speaks about the leviathan and the behemoth. The behemoth is thought to be a large sauropod according to how job described it. As for the leviathan, there are theories that its either a type of crocodile or a whale.

Is the name Lilith in the Hebrew Bible?

The word לילת occurs in the Hebrew Bible as a noun meaning "night spirit" but it does not occur as a Name. The character of Lilith (Adam's first wife) is only mentioned in the Talmud.