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Q: Is living in happy ignorance better than knowing the truth?
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Does anyone die happy?

If you are a Christian, you can die happy knowing that you will soon be reunited with Christ in heaven, a place that is better than anyone could ever imagine. If you smile when you die, you die happy.

What is your idea of a happy life?

hi, i think tht this poem is not only about living a happy life , it refers to all the things that blind a person to a form of slavery: vice,work,fears,demons,ignorance,sadness,the organized system etc. miss.intellegent

What does ignorance is not a bliss mean?

This is a quotation from an English poet called Thomas Gray born December 26 1716 and died 30 June 1771 from the poem Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College "Yet ah! why should they know their fate? Since sorrow never comes too late, And happiness too swiftly flies. Thought would destroy their paradise. No more; where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise."

If ignorance is bliss why aren't more people happy?

They are Republicans, and since Nov. 2008, nothing (even fixing health care) makes them happy.

How heart attack can be prevented in the first place?

Not all, but most heart attacks can be prevented by getting checked out by a doctor, eating better, exercising, avoiding stress, living a happy life, and taking medication if you have High Blood pressure and/or High Cholestorol Levels, and knowing you family history when it comes to heart disease.

Why do people ask the most obvious questions on WikiAnswers?

Boredom, Ignorance, Stupidity, and Language Barriers. Happy? :D

What is the definition of happy living?

if you live happy for certain amount of time

Is copper happy?

1. happy is an emotion 2. emotions are biochemical responces in living organisms. 3. copper is not a living organism

Is he happy with his wife?

Depends on how they are living presently. If they are not having any issues, then he is happy.

What do you consider to be the advantages of living in Australia today?

You can be free!! BE HAPPY You can be free!! BE HAPPY

What is the point of living if you just die at the end?

To have a great time and live happy knowing that people will always love you forever more until the end where they cry of happiness and sadness because they miss and love you for who you are inside and out!!! #Believe in you

What are the living conditions in the county jail in Florida?

Survivable, usually. Depends on which county for anything better than that. They aren't required to make you comfortable or happy. Just alive.