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Q: Is lymph the blood that diffuses to your cells at capillaries?
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What diffuses out of the capillaries into areas between cells?


Lymph and mechanisms of lymph transport?

Lymph is a tissue that diffuses into the lymphatic capillaries

What fluid leaks out of capillaries?

go to the body cells, after that it returns to the capillaries, but the fluid that doesn't diffuses into the lymph vessels (when it goes into the lymphatic vessels it's called lymph) and goes back to the heart.

How do lymphatic capillaries differ from capillaries?

lymphatic capillaries are very permeable Lymphatic capillaries have valves that keep fluid from flowing backward. The blood capillaries are regulated by smooth muscle. Lymphatic capillaries are also a but larger than blood capillaries.

Fluid that lies between cells and becomes lymph as it enters lymph capillaries?

Interstitial fluid

How does osmosis determine the movement of fluid between capillaries and interstitial fluid?

Fluid enters the lymphatic system (this system returns fluid and proteins to blood) by diffusing into lymph capillaries. This fluid is now called lymph and is kind of like interstitial fluid in composition. This movement of fluid is determined by net balance. It only diffuses into the capillaries if there isn't enough fluid there to begin with.

Why does blood need to pass through the capillaries in the small intestine?

Blood passes through capillaries as a means of either passing products to the cells or picking up things from the cells. The small intestine is where most digestion takes place so the capillaries pick up digested material to take to the liver via the portal system. The digested fat is picked up by the lymph capillaries, lacteals, which returns to the blood when the lymph connects to the right and left subclavians.

What is called when tissue fluid diffuses into the lymphatic capillaries?

the fluid is called lymph which isn't considered blood because it doesn't have haemoglobin, and isn't considered tissue fluid because it lacks certain substances... so they call it lymph and it gets mixed with blood in the end anyway...

What is the fluid and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries?


What tissue fluid inside lymphatic capillaries consist mostly of water dissolved substances and a type of white blood cells?


What the name of the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart and to the body tissues?

arteries. however, the capillaries are what exchange materials with the actual cells.

What fluid leaves the blood capillaries but does not return to the blood?

Red blood cells does not have a direct contact with the body cells.A substance called the tissue fluid does.It leaks out from the blood capillaries carrying oxygen and food substance to the body cells.It then carry waste materials out of the body cells.However, some of this substance does return to the blood while some are collected in the lymph vessel.The tissue fluid in the lymph vessel is called lymph.