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Yes, but hypothetical opposite that does not really exist as an organized ideology. There are no machist bookstores or government funding for machist organisations.

We have now millions of Mexicans in the US sending money to their wives south of the border. And it seems not one woman sends money to her man. Would machism advocate power of men to force women to work and send money? Machism as an idea is absurd. The real opposite of feminism would be equalism, a 50:50 treatment of both sexes to bridge the child custody gap, incarceration gap, voting gap, wealth gap, work gap, sexuality gap etc. In other words, the end of the privileged status for women.

No, they are not opposites. Feminism actually is a form of equalism. We try to give woman the same rights as men and to eliminate discrimination. Machism is the idea that men are superior to woman. The counterpoint of feminism is masculism. Its main idea is give men the same rights as woman. The opposite of machism is femaleism that states that woman are superior to men.

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