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Going to the sun is farther. :)

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Q: Is mars the same distance from the sun to earth?
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Is Mars closer to the sun more than Earth?

Earth is closer to the Sun Earth is 92,960,000 miles (149,600,000 km) Sun, Distance to Earth Mars is141,600,000 miles (227,900,000 km) Mars, Distance from Sun

How far is Mars from the earth and the sun?

Mars is 35,000,000 miles from Earth and 141,600,000 miles from the Sun.

How many miles is it from Denton TX to mars?

It is about the same distance from Denton to Mars as it is from Earth to Mars, given that Denton, Texas, remains on earth at the present time. The earth/mars distance varies as these bodies orbit the sun. Sometimes they are both on the same side, and the distance between is minimized. Sometimes they are on opposite sides of the sun, and the distance is maximized. The average distance is roughly 3 astronomical units.

Is the moon or mars closter to the sun?

The moon is closer to the sun. Since the moon orbits Earth, it is always about the same distance from the sun as Earth is.

Which planet has a distance from the sun that is about 150 percent of earth's distance from the sun?


Does Mars have a sun?

No, it does not. The earth has a moon, and Mars does not. It is earth's moon, earth and the sun that are involved in eclipses. All of them. Without a moon, Mars cannot experience an eclipse.

How much farther from the sun is earth than mars?

Earth is closer than Mars. Earth's average distance from the sun is 150 million km, while Mars' average distance is 227 million km.

What is the exact distance from the sun and Mars?

the exact distance from the earth to mars is 36 million miles

Is mars always the same distance from the sun explain?

Mars is not always the same distance from the sun because it has an elliptical orbit. If it had a perfectly circular orbit, then it would always be the same distance from the sun.

How is Mars linked to the earth?

Mars is in the same solar system is earth meaning mars and earth share the same sun.

How far is the Moon from Mars?

Earth is about 93 million miles from the Sun. Mars is about 139.5 miles from the Sun. The distance between Earth and Mars depends on where each is in its orbit. At their nearest, they would be about 46.5 million miles; at their farthest, about 232.5 million. The moons of Mars are much closer to Mars itself than these distances from Mars to Earth of the Sun. So since we are rounding off distances to the half-million miles, for all practical purposes Mars and its moons are the same distance from Earth.

How many times farther from the sun is mars than mercury?

Mars is much farther away from the Sun than Earth; the distance of Mars from the Sun is about 228,000,000 km.