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this is because when mass increases actualy their atoms increase in a pirticular area when this happens they get compact and compressed and therefore are said to be dense.

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Q: Is mass directly or indirectly proportional to density?
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Does mass or volume affect the density of the substance?

Yes, both do. Density = Mass/Volume, So density is directly proportional to mass and inversely proportional to volume.

What happens to the density as the mass and volume change?

it liquifies.

How do mass and distance effect the force of gravity?

gravitational force is directly proportional to mass ie it increases with the increase in mass. it is indirectly proportional to distance ie it decreases with the increase in distance.

Does the mass of an object effect it's density?

Of course yes! Just think of the formula for density! Density=mass/volume! There is a direct relationship between density and mass (directly proportional)!

How is density affected if two objects have the same volume but different masses?

Greater the mass higher the density and less the mass lower the density as D = M/V For fixed V, density is directly proportional to the mass.

Are force and mass directly proportional or inversely proportional?

Force is directly proportional to mass provided the acceleration is constant.

Is the amount of acceleration directly proportional to the fore and to the mass?

No, an object's acceleration is inversely proportional to an objects mass.

Example of inverse proportion?

Example of inverse proportion is: Density = Mass/Volume Because the formula represents that the density is directly proportional to the mass while density is inversely proportional to volume. Remember that inversely proportional means that if variable A increases, the variable B decreases, and if variable B increases, the variable A decreases.

Why will a dense area of rock under the surface increase the local strength of gravity?

density is directly proportional to the mass density = mass / volume more density, then more mass and more mass, more gravity, as gravity force = mass x gravity acceleration.

What is the mass ratio if the volume ratio is 2 to 3?

The same 2 to 3 because the mass is directly proportional to the volume. Recall the relationship Mass = volume x density. Here density remains constant

What is the relationship between volume and density?

The higher the density the lower the volume and vice versa. Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Therefore, density is directly proportional to mas of the object and inversely proportional to the volume of the object. Therefore, as volume increases , density decreases and vice versa.

What is the relationship between density of a liquid and the buoyant force exerted on the mass?

buoyant force = density of the liquid*Volume*gravity. so the buoyant force is directly proportional to the density of a liquid.