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It will still be effective, however sometimes the coating on some medications help to slow down the absorbsion of the drug, therefore if you crush a tablet or open a capsule, you can have an increase in side effects (such as nausea, or irritation of the stomach lining).

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Q: Is medication affective when crushed?
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Medications may be crushed or altered to enhance swallowing or taste, but never to disguise or "slip" them to a client/resident without his or her knowledge. The following written documentation must be in the client's/resident's file if the medication is to be crushed or altered: 1. A physician's order specifying the name and dosage of the medication to be crushed; 2. Verification of consultation with a pharmacist or physician that the medication can be safely crushed, identification of foods and liquids that can be mixed with the medications, and instructions for crushing or mixing medications; 3. A form consenting to crushing the medication signed by the client/resident. If the client/resident has a conservator with authority over his/her medical decisions, the consent form must be signed by that conservator.

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