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Q: Is mesopotamia the only civilization with flush toilets?
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Do old toilets lose the ability to flush?

No, They only stop flushing when their parts become broken or worn and need to be replaced

What is different from old toilets to new toilets?

The biggest difference from an old toilet to a new one is the water consumption. An older toilet can use up to 16L of water per flush! A modern toilet only uses between 3-5L per flush. A big money saver!

What 3 civilizations developed on Tigris and Euphrates river?

There was only one civilization that existed on the Tigris and Euphrates River. That civilization was Mesopotamia. There were three other civilizations that existed in other areas. These civilizations were the Egyptians, the Longshan, and the Harappa.

Do buses toilets flush?

Usually, but only a very minimal amount of water or solution. The holding tanks have limits on what they can hold before spilling over.

How many gallons is a toilet flush?

7.5 gals It depends on whether the toilet is one of the newer a water saving types, some of which only use about one gallon, while many older toilets use several gallons per flush.

What is another name for the region known as the Fertile Crescent?

"The Cradle of Civilization" "Mesopotamia" "Assyria" "Iraq" Any of these what you're looking for?

Why does your toilet not flush as hard as it once did?

That is because toilets are now made to conserve water. The tanks hold much less and so they don't flush as well as they used to. Some newer ones now have a dual flush system to attempt to deal with this issue in a better way: one button provides a "light" flush for "light" loads - like urine only - while the second button provides more water for the heavier jobs.

What factor limited the growth of sargons empire?

Mesopotamia was isolated due to be surrounded by mountains and desert. Because of this civilization could only develop around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

Unit 1 river civilization:25. Mesopotamia was located between which two rivers?

Tigris and Euphrates (i remember only because of that annoying mr nicky song lol)

Will Turkish vans jump into toilets?

only on sundays

Where do the one and only toilets live?

in the desert of the jungle

Can you flush tampons down RV toilets?

No, you cannot flush tampons down any toilet.Tampons don't break-down in water, instead they expand which can cause serious problems such as blockages i any toilet system. In normal toilets the tampons can also bypass sewage treatment so end-up in waterways such as in rivers and the ocean, where they are an eyesore and can harm wildlife. Tampons should always be wrapped-up and thrown in the bin, that's what bins are there for.