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Q: Is mildly bulky size uterus is dangerous?
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What is bulky uterus?

A bulky cervix is a medical condition. It is usually in reference to the female cervix being abnormally large in size.

I have evidence of multiple hypoechoic lesions seen largest of size 27x26mm in posterior uterus anteverted is bulky and lobulated in appears measure in size 81x43x61mm. what is this?

Sounds like fibroid uterus.

What is a safe Penis size after hysterectomy Can a penis damage anything after the uterus and cervix is gone?

Yes, it is dangerous

What is the size of uterus at puberty?

a pubesent female's uterus is about the same size as a naval orange.... a pubesent male's uterus, however, is 6 times that size.

What part of speech is bulky?

The word bulky is an adjective. It describes something as being extremely large in size.

What is the size of a childes uterus?

The Size of your penis or smaler

Will the uterus shrink back down to its normal size?

More or less. After giving birth, you can feel your uterus contracting, especially when the baby nurses. That is the uterus returning to normal size.

Would you tell about normal uterus size?

About the size of your fist.

What can you compare to the size of the uterus?

The rule of thumb is that the adult uterus=an average adult fist.

What period of time does the uterus return to its normal size?

The puerperium is known as the period of time when the uterus returns to its normal size.

How large is a normal uterus?

The size of a normal uterus depends on the animal it belongs to. A human uterus will be larger than a dog's for example.

To what size does the uterus grow to at 9 months?

about the size of a tennis ball