

Is milk supposed to be digested?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Q: Is milk supposed to be digested?
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How is milk powder digested?

by digestion

What is the best milk for a puppY?

Besides a mother's milk. The best milk for a puppy is puppy formula from a tin can. You can buy this from your local grocery store. Cow's milk is not good for puppies, but goat milk can bi digested.

Does a bird feed its young milk?

No, they regurgitate partially digested worms and other insects for their young.

What does milk become when disgested?

When completely digested in the body, milk becomes free fatty acids, glycerol, amino acids, glucose, water and minerals.

What can you eat when you have a milk allergy?

No because if you are allergic to milk then you are most likely allergic to dairy and yogurt needs the same bacteria as milk to be digested so if ur allergic to milk ur allergic to yogurt

Do Germans drink milk?

Adult dogs are lactose intolerant, so excess amounts of milk are not properly digested and often lead to diarrhea and upset stomachs.

How is Milk supposed to get sticky stuff out of You'r Mouth like when You eat Peanut Butter or something with Peanut Butter how is milk supposed to get the sticky stuff out?

bcause its awesome

Is rennin a catalyst?

rennin is an enzyme which makes milk harden in your stomach so that it can be broken down and digested

Is milk dangerous to dogs?

I only know that cats shouldn't drink cows milk. The lactose in the milk cannot be digested by their stomach. They might end up throwing up!

Is coconut milk supposed be white or clear?

Coconut milk is white. Coconut water is clear and not often used for anything.

How many milk teeth are you supposed to grow?

20 teeths

Can puppys drink milk?

Yes, you are SUPPOSED to give your puppy milk.