

Is mitochondrion found in animal cell or plant cells?

Updated: 6/25/2022
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9y ago

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Mitochondrion are found in both plant and animal cells.

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Ferne Streich

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Q: Is mitochondrion found in animal cell or plant cells?
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Is mitochondrion found in animal cells or plant cells?

Mitochondrion are found in both plant and animal cells.

Is Mitochondrion found in plant cells and animal cells?

It is found in both Animal and Plant cells.

Is the mitochondrion in a plant or animal cell?

Mitochondria are organelle found in both plant and animal cells.

What structure is found in both in plant and animal cells?


What are analogies for a mitochondrion?

The energy plant is one of the analogies of a mitochondrion. Mitochondria are found in both the animal and plant cells and are the site of the cellular respiration.

Is mitochondrion in plant cells and animal cells?

no,it,s not

Is mitochondrion a animal or plant cell?

They are in both animal and plant cells.

What converts food into energy and found in both plant and animal cells?

The organelles in eukaryotic (plant &animal) cells that converts food into usable energy are the Mitochondrion (plural of Mitochondria)

Do plant and animal cells have mitochondrion?

Yes, for respiration.

Are Mitochondria do in plant and animal cells?

yes,mitochondrion is common to both plants and animals because it is the power house of the cell.Hence it is found in all types of cells.

Is the mitochondrion a plant or a animal?

mitochondrion is actually the plural word for mitochondria. mitochondion are both in plants and animal cells

Which cell is mitochondrion found in animal cell or plant cell?

Actually,it depends however we can say that animal cell has more mitochondria. As plant cells' motion consists of locomotion which means moving on their axis,they utilise less energy. However,animal cells' motion is an active one so they utilise more ATP.Thus,animal cells have more mitochondria than plant cells as they produce energy much more.