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Q: Is mixing xanex and Zoloft with pseudo ephedrine dangerous?
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Can you get pseudo-ephedrine from oxygen tanks?


Can you use pseudo-ephedrine sulfate to manufacture methanphetamines?

yes you can

How do you make pseudoephedrine out of horse breader blocks?

There is no Pseudo ephedrine in horse or cattle blocks.

Will you pass a drug test after taking Sudafed 16 hrs prior?

In my experience you can fail for amphetamines after taking sudafed. Sudafed contains pseudo-ephedrine, an ingredient in the manufacture of meth-amphetamine. You need at least 72 ours to get pseudo-ephedrine out of your system.

Can you take pseudo ephedrine and Mucinex?

It is not advisable to mix any drugs, but especially opiates (morphine), without 1st consulting a qualified physician.

Is it safe to drink alcohol with pseudo-ephedrine?

That would be like Redbull and alcohol right? my sister did that and was in the hospital for a week.

Does pseudo ephedrine interfere with the action of tetracycline?

No, those drugs may be taken together. Just don't overdose on the Sudafed!

How do you use stimulants?

It depends on the stimulant. A good number are naturally occurring alkaloids found in plants. So all it takes is to process the plants and distill the chemicals from them. Caffeine, ephedrine, and cocaine are all naturally-occurring like this. Other stimulants are made from other chemicals, in a laboratory, including weaker stimulants. Pseudo-ephedrine is synthetic and chemically similar to to ephedrine. Methamphetamine ("meth") is made from pseudo-ephedrine and can probably be made from amphetamine.

Can pregnant women take pseudo-ephedrine?

NO. Pregnant women should not take any kind of drug unless it is ok'ed by their OBGYN

How realistic is prison break?

depends if you can get enough Pseudo or not. The Biker crank method will yield more if you can find the right chemicals. If not, stick to the pseudo-ephedrine HCL that you and your buddies keep stealing from walgreens. The Feds are back-tracing you and the Cyber Police are on their way. Knock KNOCK KNOCK

What is the homeopathic equivilent for ephidrine or pseudo-ephidrine?

Ephedrine is de-congestant used for variety of purposes. Very difficult to say what is it's equivalent in homeopathy

Do amphetamine capsules contain pseudo ephedrine?

No, they do not. They contain a mix of dextroamphetimine salts, another type of stimulant. They have the same suffixes because they are all stimulants, but they are different kinds.