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It depends on context. In the legal arena it would be convention. In the religious arena it would most often be natural.

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Q: Is morality natural or convention
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How did the Romans determine morality?

Morality was determined by social convention and by ethical writings.

How does natural law relate to law and morality?

Law is based on natural law, which is based on morals.

What issues remain unsettled from constitution convention?

natural rights

How does evolution explain morality?

Natural selection has selected the morality we have today, its built In to our instibt to understand eachothers emotions, facial expressions etc, natural selection favours a species with a good morality as this increaaes the survival of offspring, the offspring will normally have the same morality and understanding of emotions and thus pass it on from generation to generation, those that weaker morality would have not been able to reproduce as succesfully as the offspring would have had less help from the others in the community if any, and woud be less likely to make it to adulthood and reproduce,

What is the difference between human laws and amoral laws?

None. Morality is a human trait as are laws Calling something a 'Law of Nature' is purely a human convention.

What is additive mortality?

Additive morality is a theory related to hunting, in opposition to compensatory morality, which states that all the animals killed from hunting would have died anyway from other natural causes and thus hunting doesn't harm the population. Additive morality posits that the animals killed in hunting die in addition to all the natural deaths that occur, and thus hunting decreases the population.

list 10 roles of government in conserving natural resources?

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially As Waterfowl Habitat Convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna and Flora Convention on the conservation Of Migratory Species of Wild Animals United Nations Convention on The Law Of the Sea Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer Basel Convention on the Control of Trans boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Convention on Biological Diversity United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

One ethical theorist who believes that morality comes more or less naturally to us and is based in your natural affections is?

David Hume

Did Farrah Fawcett had false dentures or not?

Absolutely not...all natural...I am a dentist, and met her dentist at a convention

What is reflective morality?

Reflective morality is the internalized version of right and wrong from the elements of our upbringing. Reflective morality can include both religious morality, customary morality, and empathy.

Is nuclear energy good-?

I do not know what the word "good" means in this context. Nuclear energy is a natural phenomena and natural phenomena have no morality, they just are. What has morality is mankind and how/if he choses to use the phenomena nature has given us.

What does the morality plays teach?

Well we don't know which morality play is 'the morality play' but usually a morality play focuses on some moral.