

Is morphine addictive

Updated: 11/16/2022
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Morphine is extremely addicting.. I got on it because of daily excruciating migraines, and cannot stop, If I go for 24hrs without it the withdrawal starts and opiate withdrawal is worst than any other kind of withdraw, it's so bad that by the 48th hour you prefer to die than to feel so much pain and all of the 30some withdrawal symptoms....

Truth is morphine is not MUCH less addictive then heroin, their molecular structure is very similar. If anyone wants to use it recreationally I will say from personal experience don't.

But if you must, Never, ever use it over 2x a week and never on consecutive days... the problem is the feeling is so pleasant that once people try it all they want is to have the same experience again. To most people it's the happiest, most euphoric feeling they have ever had in their lives, the tolerance builds EXTREMELY FAST.... I went form 30 mg/day PO to 300mgs in less than 2 weeks and feeling the same way as I increased it to the 300, Mainly happens because you always want to feel the same way it felt the first time you did it, but truth is The high you feel the first time that you get a proper dosage, will NEVER happen again in your life no matter how much more you take...

Ex: Joe took 30- 40MGs(instant release) a high dosage for a first timer, but not dangerously high... Joe feels like heaven is upon him, EXTREME euphoria, that he would like to stay in that state forever, not even his wife or children, anything, nor anyone can give him the amount of happiness, well being, pleasure, and unexplainable bliss he will feel, especially 1:30 mins after consumption which is climax, the exact time that he will be experiencing a once in a lifetime experience... the next day he will still feel euphoria but not close to the first day, and on the third day even if he takes 10 times that amount he still won't reach that 1st heaven.

I would say that if you are a person who knows what they want in life, and doesn't have any trait of addictive personalities. It is worth doing it ONCE and ONCE only (which is highly unlikely therefore dangerous)... You have to accept the fact that the 1st time feeling won't happen again regardless of the dosage, that you will never feel that way again...

1 exception... if you jump to heroin then you can reach that sky high 1 more time, but that one I would strongly discourage... in some countries, up to 95% of people who consume heroin WILL become addicts, as much as they may think they are strong and not a bit of addictive personality, The heroin heaven is SO extremely high that once you try it, nothing else in the world makes sense.

If you want to have an Idea of how it feels take 40mgs of Morphine sulphate, or 25-30 of Dilaudid (neither time released). It will be a once in a lifetime experience.... The Dilaudid(hidromorphone) is actually much more potent and euphoric, it and oxymorphone are as close as you can get to the heroin feeling... Some people describe that their 1st time proper dosage of Dilaudid is 95% as potent as heroin in regards to euphoria but less chemically addictive (but equally psicologicaly addictive, which is actually the most dangerously addictive part of pharmaceutical opiates)...

If you want to do it do it right, but if you are undecided, I advise and beg you not to do it...

My life revolves around this medication now, And I don't have an addicting personality and that's why I decided to try and only because of the amazing feeling it gave me without my consent, it become an uncontrollable addiction, that I don't want to quit, It not only is costly, it's horrible, and depressing to think that I will shorten my life due to the fact that I decided to try it "once and only once", when I look in my bottle and see a small amount I start panicking horribly and it has happened that I lost the prescription once and was out, and had the worse day of my life because of the horrendous withdrawal. Not to mention that opiates make your intestines basically shut down so I'm constantly constipated and have had times that I didn't defecate for 22 days, which almost caused a potentially deadly toxic effect from the rotting feces accumulated inside my intestines... It's somewhat controlled with outrageously high amount of combinations of laxatives, both oral and rectally. Because of this almost stopped intestine function, the feces become very large and extremely rigid Identical to a very big round rock... Be careful with your decisions as many of them will alter or actually construct the path you will follow the rest of your life, and unfortunately in cases like this reducing your life which won't have any meaning to you anyway after you are addicted the only thing that makes sense is being in the drug's bliss, like smoking and consuming other drugs even some OTC mrfs( which are not meant to be taken daily for years and years) they all are simply equaly low suicide process in which few are able to escape.

If marijuana was legalized all over the world, many people wouldn't hang with drug dears, not the hardcore junkie croud (which is where the other "hardcore" drugs are introduced, offered and rarely rejected), With legalization of the natural plant, many teens would be less interested in joining hardcore drug groups and even (in my believe) many wouldn't even wanting to use marijuana, as illegal things excite and give a lot of teens adrenaline rushes and/or gangs, jails would be way more emptier and the police could invest more time into murderers, thieves ,etc instead of arresting people for smoking a plant that is scientifically proven to be a lot less harmful then large amounts of booze... not to mention that the governments could make enormous amounts of money which if funneled correctly could better the lives of the citizens, raise gov. funds, decrease crime, empty jail houses, and would benefit people who have chronic pain, or anorexia nervosa, and to a lot of people serve as homeopathic medication for anxiety. As one of the main effects of Cannabis is it's anxiolitic (anti anxiety), calming, stress reducing agent) Now if marijuana is going to stay illegal then the other medically proven to be more harmful legal drugs such as nicotine containing products and especially the cllinicaly considered most harmful of legal drugs the {"good old") Alcoholic Beverages.

A great example is shown in places like Amsterdam, where the percentage of people who smoke pot at least 1x a week is less than hald of the percentage in the U.S, and even up to 70 less in cities such as L.A.

Now considering all this proof I HAVE A QUESTION... Why is marijuana Illlegal in the states where Most if not all of this research was done at, and in so many other countries. It's even stated in the DSM4(Diagnostic Statistics Manual) of phychiatry, that Tetrahydrocannabinol is NOT chemically addictive. Unlike alcohol, Cigarrettes. Yes you can become psycologicaly addicted like candy,,even chocolate is chemically addictive, caffeine.... WHY ARE ADDICTING HARMFUL SUBSTANCES LEGAL AND A NOT CHEMICALLY ADDICTIVE, LESS HARMFUL, NATURAL PLANT STILL ILLEGAL???? iT''S SENSELESS, AND PLAIN OUT STUPID OF THE GOVERMENTAL AUTHORITIES (yes it it still harfmul but not as much as other substances stated above) I hope one day they are able to use their brains and look at all the research and statistics from places like holland, reducing crime, stop wasting tax money on marijuana users in jail for repetitive positive results while in probation period. They could alow the plantation of 1 or 2 plants in each household making the herb all natural unlike what is sold by dealers nowadays. The Gov. can allow big companies to fabricate cannabis cigarrettes and then they can sky rocket the taxes on the marijuana even on a larger scale then they do with cigarrettes (which could generate bilions a year and invest that money in other important things like providing the general Gov. good narcotic rehabilitation clinics, Or build a comunity crafts place where unemployed people can learn to make things that they can sell, along with a society integration program, where they can help homeless people get a job and give them a chance to build a decent life with a real career, or use it towards fighting "real crime" like murderers,pedofiles , raise retirement payments, as the price of food and necessities go up but not the poor old people who rely on Gov. income to barely survive and have proper meals.\

But nooo, other than making money and reducing crive The Gov. want to keep Raising taxes, so they can spend money on arresting marijuana smokers, instead of real criminals, spending taz money to keep them in jail, spend so much tax money on campains that have shown no improvement, spending money on fighting contraband of cannabis which if legalized would only leave hard-core drugs that could then be punished with greater severity than now a days... WHY?



And how can a stupid govmnt maintain growth? They can't

The legalization could generate so much money that the govmnt would be more than able to lower the taxes instead of constantly raising them....

Many problems could be resolved, but no because Jesus drank wine so everyone can get drunk but no drugs. Cannabis shouldn't even be considered a drug... it's a plant with extremely rare issue causing side effects and according to the world renouned psychiatric reference book(DSM4), not a plant that can create a chemical addiction. Very few psycotropic plants and drugs have 0 chemically addictive properties

post your comments... Anonymous Registered Nurse

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yes morphine is very addictive in some cases people have died using it about 20% of people are allergic to it

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