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Q: Is most earthquakes and volcanoes located unpopulated areas?
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Are all major earthquakes near areas with volcanoes?


Do earthquakes and volcanoes strike in heavily populated areas?

not necessarily, they strike on the fault lines of tectonic plates, when the plates bump into each other, they create volcanoes or earthquakes

Which areas are greater- those affected by earthquakes or those affected by volcanoes?


What is an area such as that where the stray volcanoes are located called?

Areas where stray volcanoes are located are called 'Hot Spots' such as the volcanoes located on the Hawaian islands

Why earthquakes cause more damage than others?

The biggest earthquakes do not always cause the most damage if they strike unpopulated areas, or areas where the local infrastructure was built to withstand severe earthquakes. Also some big earthquakes may be high in intensity, but very short in duration, causing less damage.

Where is seismograph used?

seismographs and seismometers are used in suspected "at risk" areas of tectonic activity (earthquakes and volcanoes)

Are the earthquakes located in specific areas or are they scattered around the world?

they are in specific areas

Do volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur ONLY at the boundaries?

No. Volcanoes can be found at hot spots away from plate boundaries. These volcanoes can produce earthquakes. Earthquakes can also occur at areas of ancient geologic activty such as failed rifts and can occur as a result fo glacier retreating.

Are earthquakes located within specific areas or scattered throughout the world?

Specific areas

Where are volcanoes and earthquakes most likely to occur in southwest Asia and africa?

There are faultlines along the bottom of the Levant coastline, the Red Sea, and the Olduvai Gorge. Earthquakes happen in those areas. There are no significant volcanoes in the Middle East or Africa.

Why are earthquakes and volcanoes found in the same areas?

because the form together pushing each other creating one together

Do volcanoes and earthquakes happen in hot areas?

Not just in hot places. They can happen anywhere, but mostly along fault lines.