

Is my Uncle is a part of sibling?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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13y ago

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no only your brothers and sisters are your siblings

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Q: Is my Uncle is a part of sibling?
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What do you call your uncle's uncle?

Assuming we are talking direct line, your uncle is a sibling to one of your parents. His uncle is also an uncle to one of your parents and therefore your grand uncle.

What does uncle mean?

An uncle is the brother of your mother or father.Being forced to "cry uncle" means to be put in a position where you must surrender to someone else. In a fight, this sometimes results in one fighter giving up (surrendering) by saying "uncle."

How are you releated to your uncle's nephew?

Your uncle's nephew could be you (if you are a boy), or your brother, or your first cousin. Your uncle's nephew could also be unrelated to you if he is the son of a sibling of your uncle's wife.

Who is a great aunt and uncle?

A great aunt or uncle is a sibling (brother or sister) of one of your grandparents.

What is the feminine of great uncle?

Guessing you mean the wife/sister of a great uncle, which would be great auntie.

What is my uncle's uncle to me?

If he is your uncle by blood, his uncle is likely to be your great uncle. As to be an uncle it has to be a parents sibling. His parents would be your grandparents. So any of your grandparents siblings are typically called great uncles/aunts

What relation is my great-uncle's Great Uncle to me?

Your great uncle (by dictionary definition) would be your grandparent's brother. His great uncle would be his grandparent's sibling. So it would work out to be your great great great uncle (3rd great uncle).

What is your relationship with your brother's son?

Uncle or Auntie on your part depending if you're male/female. Their son is your Nephew (a daughter would be Niece). It makes no difference if the sibling involved is your brother or sister to this :)

How are you related to your uncles nephew?

Your uncle's nephew could be:you, if you are a boyone of your brothers, if you have anyyour first cousin, if your parent and your uncle have a third sibling who has a child who is a boy

Can you be related to your uncles nephew in any way?

Your uncle's nephew may be either a sibling or a cousin or yourself.

What is the relationship between you and your daughters uncle?

Your daughter's uncle can be your brother. Her parent who is not your sibling (your brother-in-law or sister-in-law) could also have brothers. They will also be your daughter's uncles, but will not be related to you.

What relation is your parent's uncle to you?

Well your father's father is your Grandfather. And it depends how your uncle is related to your grandfather. Your uncle could be your grandfather's son, or your grandfather could have a sibling who's child is your uncle- which would make him your Grandfather's nephew.