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Narcissism should not be construed as a form of psychosis because:

  1. The narcissists is usually fully aware of the difference between true and false, real and make-belief, the invented and the extant, right and wrong. The narcissist consciously chooses to adopt one version of the events, an aggrandising narrative, a fairy-tale existence, a "what-if" counterfactual life. He is emotionally invested in his personal myth. The narcissist feels better as fiction than as fact -- but he never loses sight of the fact that it is all just fiction.
  1. Throughout, the narcissist is in full control of his faculties, cognisant of his choices, and goal-orientated. His behaviour is intentional and directional. He is a manipulator and his delusions are in the service of his stratagems. Hence his chameleon-like ability to change guises, his conduct, and his convictions on a dime.
  1. Narcissistic delusions rarely persist in the face of blanket opposition and reams of evidence to the contrary. The narcissist usually tries to convert his social milieu to his point of view. He attempts to condition his nearest and dearest to positively reinforce his delusional False Self. But, if he fails, he modifies his profile on the fly. He "plays it by ear". His False Self is extemporaneous -- a perpetual work of art, permanently reconstructed in a reiterative process designed around intricate and complex feedback loops.
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Q: Is narcissism a form of psychosis?
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No, it is not the same. Illustrated means shown in picture form. - Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by self-preoccupation and admiration of your own body.

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look up "undermethylation"; inositol is great for this, and some of these cases involve psychosis. undermethylated persons almost always have some form of obsessive problem, and inositol is great for this, but that's not psychosis. Look it up and see if it fits you, and add it to your regimen if it does. Bless.

When was The Culture of Narcissism created?

The Culture of Narcissism was created in 1979.

What is the plural form of psychosis?

Same word use for more than one, just preceded by multiple.

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Psychosis is a term that refers to an individual who is out of touch with reality. An example of psychosis is Schizophrenia.

Sentence for narcissism?

Kelly's narcissism prevented her from forming genuine friendships with other people. Another phrase for narcissism is self-absorption. It is a noun.

When was Caucasian Psychosis created?

Caucasian Psychosis was created in 1990.

Is there a cure for psychosis?

Yes... Psychosis gets 100% cured.

Is schizophrenia a psychosis?

Yes, schizophrenia is a type of psychosis. Psychosis is an abnormality in perception or expression of reality. Schizophrenia is a subtype of this.