

Is nickel more reactive than tin?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: Is nickel more reactive than tin?
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What metal is more reactive than lead but less reactive than zinc?

In between these two, there are nickel, tin lead and hydrogen.They all are more reactive than copper but less reactive than iron.For your convenience, here is the reactive series of elements in order of decreasing reactivity:-Potassiumsodiumbariumcalciummagnesiumaluminiummanganesezincironnickeltinleadhydrogencoppermercurysilvergoldplatinum

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Tin is more reactive.

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It is as reactive as indium. Just kidding, it is reactive. Hoe reactive, more reactive than silver, but not as reactive as tin.

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Not very. This strong, tough metal resists corrosion extremely well. It doesn't want to react with very much.

What is more reactive than tin?

B. Calcium C. Aluminum

Why aren't cans made of pure tin?

Food cans are coated with tin instead of zinc because zinc is more reactive than tin. Tin is only reactive to powerful acids such as tri-sodium phosphate while zinc can be reactive to something like tomatoes.

Are there three metals which are more reactive than tin?

Yes Iron, Steel and alloy

Is Tin Reactive or no?

Tin is highly reactive.

What are the Metals more reactive than hydrogen?

sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, zinc, iron, tin and led are metals more reactive than hydrogen.

Is iron more reactive than sulfur?

Yes, iron is more reactive than calcium as iron is a metal and generally metals are more reactive than non-metals and calcium is a non-metal.

Is sulfur more reactive than sodium?

no... Reactivity Table: Lithium, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Zinc, Cadmium, Iron, Nickel, Tin, Lead, Arsenic, Antimony, Copper, Mercury, Silver Platinum, and Gold.

Why are food cans plated in tin but not zinc?

because it not infected and non-perishable