

Best Answer

Yes, "nightmare" is a common noun because it refers to a general type of experience or feeling that anyone can have.

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Q: Is nightmare a common noun
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Related questions

What part of speech is the word nightmare?

The word "nightmare" is a noun.

Is nightmare a verb?

No, it is not a verb. Nightmare is a noun (bad dream).

Is nightmare a noun?

Yes, the word 'nightmare' is a noun, a word for a frightening dream; a frightening or horrible experience; a word for a thing.

Is nightmare an adjective or adverb?

Nightmare is a noun. Nightmarish is the adjective form. Nightmarishly is the adverb form.

What is an example of a compound idea noun?

How about a nightmare or a brainstorm.

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common noun

What is the most common bad dream or nightmare?

Often, the most common nightmares have to do with falling, being chased, and becoming injured. And for some odd reason, another very common nightmare is your teeth falling out. There are usually reasons for whatever nightmare you are having, but it would be easier just to look into that if you keep having a recurring nightmare. So to answer, I would say the most common nightmare is to be endlessly falling into the abyss.

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