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Q: Is nimesulide addictive
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What drugs is banned in US and UK for pediatric usage Nimesulide Paracetamol or Diphenhydramine?

nimesulide causes hematuria in it should not be used

Can you use Nimesulide gel for arthritis pain?

NImesulide gel is prescribed for injuries, or arthritis pain. You can use Nimesuklide gel 3 to 4 times a day and it is available in otc

Relieve pain in upper arms?

Take pain reliever like nimesulide

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нимесулид-что это за препарат? nimesulide-what is this drug?

Are Narcotics A Not addictive B Very addictive C Sometimes addictive?

Always addictive.

Is nise tablets safe to use?

"Nise" is a trademark for the drug "Nimesulide".Nimesulide is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic (pain relief) and antipyretic (reduction of body temperature) properties. It is used in the treatment of acute pain, symptomatic relief of osteoarthritis (degradation of joints)and primary dysmenorrhoea (severe uterine pain during menstruation) in females over the age of 12.Due to widespread concerns about the risk of hepatotoxicity (chemical-driven liver damage), nimesulide has been removed from the market in some countries.

Is binweevils addictive?

it is addictive!

What is a addictive?

Sugar is not addictive.

What is the addictive ingredient in marijuana?

Marijuana is not physically addictive, and their for it does not contain an "addictive ingredient"

How addictive are Narcotics?

very addictive

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Its not addictive

What makes drugs addictive?

The addictive substance