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Q: Is nitrogen and nitrates the same for drinking water?
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How do nitrogen fixing bacteria on root nodules function in the nitrogen cycle?

Although the air is made up of about 70% nitrogen, plants cannot use nitrogen in this N2 form. Nitrogen fixing bacteria change nitrogen into the form of soluble nitrates so that plants can use it. Other bacteria, known as de-nitrifying bacteria, change nitrates back into N2, which completes the nitrogen cycle. Some nitrifying bacteria lives in the roots of legumes, and do the same job.

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Could you be drinking the same water a saber-toothed tiger lapped on?

yes i could be drinking the same water as a saber tooth layed on

What are the benefits of drinking Jana Water?

Benefits of drinking Jana Water are the same as drinking regular water, Jana Water is just a brand name. It keeps you hydrated and is good for the skin.

How is nitrogen used by humans?

Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites

How are the carbon nitrogen and water cycle similar?

all of the cycles (water, nitrogen, and carbon cycles) are the same because they are all cycles that have to do with the atmosphere.

What does drinking water do for women?

Hydrates them. Same as men.

Why is rain better than tap water for plants?

Tap water contains a lot of Ca-ions and Mg-ions: good for human bones, but not too good for a plant if used in excess. However, plants like Nitrogen very much! And that's where the rain water comes in. Our atmosphere consists of about 21% Oxygen and 78% Nitrogen, but plants can't take it in through the atmosphere. They need nitrates. If lightning strikes through the atmosphere, it gives the oxygen and nitrogen molecules enough energy to form nitrates, which are NO3-ions. These ions react with the water and form a weak solution of nitric acid. The plants then take it up, via the water. Ever noticed how green your pool becomes after a thunder strom? Same thing: alge, as all other plants love nitrogen!

Are drinking H2O and toilet H2O the same?

No!!!Drinking h2o is clean.Toliet h2o is dirty.The main source of water in the system is the same.

Why is the percentage of nitrogen inhale and exhale the same?

The percentage of nitrogen remains the same as the amount of oxygen that was used was replaced by the water vapour and carbon dioxide

Are the pipes you use for drinking water the same as the pipes we use for bathing water?

Yes, the same pipes that supply drinking water to your sink also supply water to your bathtub, toilet, washing machine, exterior spigots, etc.

Is drinking out of a straw healthier for you?

No. It's the same as drinking right from the cup. Unless your out in the wilderness and you don't have clean water, you can get straws that filter your water.