

Is nitrogen likely to form a bond?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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No, because hydrogen is a noble gas. It cannot bond anymore because it has already achieved the octet rule.

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Q: Is nitrogen likely to form a bond?
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No. An ionic bond is a bond between a metal and a nonmetal. Since oxygen and nitrogen are both nonmetals, they form a covalent bond.

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Can nitrogen form an ionic bond?

nitrogen can form an ionic bond

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Magnesium and sulfur are much more likely than nitrogen and oxygen to form an ionic bond, because the difference in electronegativity between sulfur and magnesium is much greater than the difference in electronegativity between nitrogen and oxygen. Another way of phrasing the reason is that magnesium is a metal and sulfur a nonmetal, while nitrogen and oxygen are both nonmetals.

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