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Q: Is no spotting or bleeding a good sign after ivf procedure?
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Can spotting before your period be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.

Do you count spotting as the first day of the period?

No, spotting and breakthrough bleeding does not count as the first day of your period. Spotting and breakthrough bleeding is an annoyance that occurs as an unwanted side effect of birth control. However, frequent spotting or breakthrough bleeding can also be a sign that you need a higher dosage of birth control.

Is spotting a sign of PMS?

when i think of spotting i think of implantation bleeding related to pregnancy but im sure that's not always the case.

What happens if you have spotting while not on your period?

Thats a pregnancy sign called implantation bleeding

Is spotting a sign of chlamydia?

It can be. Chlamydia can infect the cervix and cause irregular bleeding or spotting after sex. If you think you might be at risk, see your health care provider for testing.

You are 8 months pregnant and you have some spotting of blood what should you do?

Contact your doctor could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor as soon as you can.

What is can go wrong if you have implantation bleeding?

Implantation Bleeding After ovulation the egg travels into the uterus and burrows into the lining of the uterus. For some women implantation will cause slight bleeding or spotting. This is called implantation bleeding. This is sometimes confused for an early period. What does implantation bleeding or spotting look like? Implantation bleeding, also called implantation spotting, does not look like a regular menstrual period. Implantation bleeding is scanty and usually pink or brownish discharge. Implantation bleeding or menstrual period? Implantation bleeding normally occurs a week to a few days before your period would normally start. Spotting that occurs around a week after ovulation is likely implantation bleeding; whereas, spotting that occurs very close to the time that your period would normally start may not be. A normal menstrual cycle generally starts off light and then gets heavier. Spotting can sometimes be the sign of an early period. If this is the case, the spotting will pick up to heavier bleeding. If you have spotting right around the time your period would normally start, it can be more confusing. You will need to take the wait and see approach or take a pregnancy test to determine pregnancy.

How much blood do spotting release?

It should be just as the name goes 'spotting' if it looks like your normal menstruation bleeding then it is something to worry about because it could be a sign of something much worse than normal.

How long does postmenopausal bleeding usually last?

Postmenopausal bleeding should not happen. Even slight spotting is unusual. If this occurs, an appointment needs to be made with a doctor right away, as this is a sign of other health problems.

When you bleed during pregnancy vaginal bleedingwill it be alot of blood?

It depends like if you are spotting lightly it can be a sign of threatened abortion, if you have painless vaginal bleeding that is placenta previa but when you have severe vaginal bleeding that is abruptio placenta.

You do not know if you are pregnant you have irregular periods you are 2 months late and you have a brownish pinkish spotting right now and cramping are you pregnant?

spotting is Implantation bleeding which is a sign of pregnancy so yes you could be pregnant

If you experience ovulation spotting bleeding but never had it in other months of your cycle what would it mean?

It probably doesn't mean anything. It may just mean that you noticed the spotting this month. Spotting during ovulation is a sign of a good strong ovulation. If it lasts for more than a day or two or is bleeding rather than light pink or brown spotting, contact your doctor. You might have an issue with progesterone. I would not be concerned, but I would mention it at your next doctor visit. Answer same here but I had clear discharge with a streak of blood in it don't know what it means tho pink princess