

Best Answer

No, lactose is a milk sugar which is separate from fats. All milk with have lactose in it regardless of fat content. So no, you cannot Im afraid.

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Q: Is nonfat milk all right to eat if you are lactose intolerance?
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Related questions

Does non fat milk have lactox in it?

Nonfat milk contains lactose. Lactose is the naturally occurring sugar in milk. The only milk that does not contain lactose is labeled 'lactose free' and is available in full fat, reduced fat, and nonfat.

What is the carbohydrate in milk that could cause milk intolerance?

Lactose is a simple carbohydrate and typically is the reason for milk intolerance in people. Lactose is a simple sugar/carbohydrate.

Lactose intolerance refers the inability to digest sugars found in what?

milk products. lactose is milk sugar.

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Usually people with intolerance to milk is due to a lactose intolerance. If that is the case, you could simply replace your regular milk with Lactose-free milk!

What is a intolerance?

Lactose intolerance results from an inability in the small entrails to digest lactose. You can get so many carbohydrates or sugar in milk what's called lactose. You should avoid this.

What is lactose in tolerent?

Lactose intolerance, the inability to digest the sugar found in milk, is widespread and affects up to 70% of the world's adult population.

Does Naruto have Lactose intolerance?

No he keeps drinking sour milk

Why is lactose intolerance an issue?

Lactose intolerance is an issue because your body cannot produce lactase, the enzyme required to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk-based products. This ultimately means that you cannot consume milk. And that is an issue.

Can milk be non-lactose?

Milk naturally contains the sugar lactose. Lactose-free milk is made by 'pre-digesting' the lactose in the milk. This is done by adding the enzyme lactase to the milk. The enzyme breaks down the lactose and people who can't digest lactose properly (lactose intolerance) can drink the milk without side-effects.

Lactose intolerance is the inability to?

Digest or process lactose, a consituent of milk.

What is another term for lactose intolerance?

lactase deficiency.