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Not all religions point to the same god

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Q: Is not Sikhism just another religion ---- Don't all religions preach the path to God?
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Why do various religions cause wars?

The more I look into religious wars, the more I find that the religions involved are not the cause, rather it is generally a person who comes to power or popularity who abuses the teachings of that religion to persecute those of another faith for his or her own gain. All major religions preach peace, but most have had someone in authority corrupt the religion and lead followers astray to battle their "inferior" neighbors of a different faith.

What 3 religions send out missionaries?

Christianity being the most Aggressive missionary religion. Islam subtle; Judaism and Islam only became missionary in response to Christian missionary work.

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The Romans were tolerant of others' religions as long as those religions or beliefs did not provoke dissent or preach treason. This became a problem during the rise of Christianity, as any religion other than the religion of the Roman state was deemed treasonous to Caesar.

What did the major monotheistic religions contribute to modern political thinking?

Idiocracy, intolerance, and how to preach freedom of religion while pushing Christianity on all citizens, as far as America goes, at least.

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Miracles are not written. They are fairy stories told by various religions to ignorant people to make them believe the religion they preach is the true and only one. Other religions will ask you to believe this is not true. You must make your own decision.

What is Armenia's main religion?

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Is the US secular?

Yes, the US polity is indeed secular. There is no state religion and all are free to preach, practice, and propagate any religion subject to public morality. Unlike India, however, where special laws have been made for people of particular religions, US laws are the same for all.

What religions are agaist prejudice?

None any religion as a result of its existence it must be prejudiced against other religions otherwise it would be one of those other religions, There are any number of religions that preach tolerance and acceptance. Not all of those practice it. The Pagan path I am on requires me to respect the opinions, beliefs, life styles and choices of all others... this is not to say I am required to agree with them, just respect the person or people's right to believe as they choose.

Why was the Torah important in ancient history?

It was the first religion to preach uncompromising monotheism.

What religion is papa don't preach by madonna based on?

She wrote some of the lyrics.

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India does not have an official state religion; it enshrines the right to practice, preach, and propagate any religion. People of different Religion lives here..Together...

Can you hold license to preach if you don't have a church?

You do not need either a license or a church in order to preach; in America you have a constitutionally protected right to free speech as well as freedom of religion, so if you have something to preach, go ahead.